Revolutionary education tool

Eduwizard is a technology that you can use in all educational settings. It is straightforward to use. It helps you to facilitate classes more effectively and energetically.


Eduwizard works easily. As a teacher or classroom facilitator, you are the wizard of your class and the outcome you perceive with your students. Eduwizard provides an easy structure for Brainstorming, Ordering, and Voting. Out of 25 years of educational experience, we have found this structure deterministic for the class's success. Why? Because, in many cases, you want to facilitate and capture a free-flowing discussion and design that into topics for further research or conversation and to make decisions later or vote on. Eduwizard allows you to capture all these steps since participants work with their mobile/laptop in Eduwizard, enabling you as a teacher to maintain their interest and active engagement.

Eduwizard for researchers

  • Doing Research

    Eduwizard allows one to conduct research with small or large groups on specific (sensitive) topics. It captures the participant's input, displays differences in opinions or viewpoints, and prioritizes inevitable follow-up actions. This helps to conduct (MSc, Ph.D.) field research with specific interest groups and collect many thoughts/expertviews. Eduwizard has already helped 100+ students in social sciences, behavioral sciences, IT, management sciences, etc.

  • Public and private collaboration

    Eduwizard is used to examine stakeholder needs in the case of subsidized projects. It helps you collectively explore research domains with many stakeholders simultaneously and prioritize these projects on multiple criteria (multi-criteria analysis). Eduwizard is very easy to use for both the facilitator and the participants. This way, research fellows or Ph.D. researchers have early stakeholder or sponsor participation.

  • In Design Science Research

    Eduwizard supports brainstorming and discussing the design requirements of an artifact and allows you to make choices collectively. This way, you keep track of all steps of the Design science process and development cycle of the artifact. The Eduwizard technology allows you to make explicit where Design decision deviations arise and will help you build consensus among the stakeholders. Eduwizard is very easy to use for both the facilitator and the researcher. All steps are documented, so the research process is transparent and reproducible.

  • Management and social sciences

    Eduwizard allows one to conduct research with small or large groups on specific (sensitive) topics. It captures the participant's input, displays differences in opinions or viewpoints, and allows for prioritizing certain follow-up actions. This helps to research specific interest groups and collect many ideas/expert views.

Eduwizard for teachers

  • Empower teachers and students

    Eduwizard technology helps you to facilitate a large group effectively. Participants can easily log on via QR codes or URLs, and a central facilitators dashboard lets you have complete visibility over your entire group, regardless of whether they are in class or virtually elsewhere. The design of your agenda empowers you to allow more extended discussions or more input choices or speed up and skip specific steps in your program. In the end, all participants receive a report contributing to active engagement. This way, the teacher is empowered and in control over the (virtual) class.

  • Monitor students engagement

    If students get distracted from the class, you can see this in the software of Eduwizard. Eduwizard allows you to flip the classroom since all participants engage with their mobile devices, and you, as a facilitator, can monitor if they are actively submitting answers and votes. This way, everybody is involved.

  • Design Thinking

    Eduwizard supports brainstorming and discussing the design requirements and allows you to make choices collectively. In this way, you keep track of all steps of the Design Thinking and development cycle. The Eduwizardtechnology enables you to clarify where Design decision deviations arise and will help you build stakeholder consensus. Eduwizard is very easy to use for both the facilitator and the student, everybody has a voice.

Eduwizard for staff and educational policymakers

  • Student guidance and peer review

    Eduwizard allows professors to guide large groups of students in their research projects. The technology supports stages of a one-pager, five-pager, and ten-pager in a research project to be collectively assessed by peer students and professors. These stage gates can be voted/considered on, for example, the progress, methods used, timelines, deliverables, etc. You, as a facilitator, determine these assessment criteria. Many variances are possible. Eduwizard is very easy to use for both the facilitator and the student. Many student groups are facilitated toward their successful thesis submission and graduation this way. Watch a short video here on how you can use this together.

  • Eduwizard is easy to use on- and offline

    Eduwizard is software that can be used with conferencing tools such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.You can use it for large groups (Massive Online Courses). Eduwizard is very easy to use for both the facilitator and the participants. Watch a short video here on how you can use this together.

  • (Ph.D.) Research projects

    Eduwizard is used to examine stakeholder needs in the case of subsidized projects. It helps you collectively explore research domains with many stakeholders simultaneously and prioritize these projects on multiple criteria (multi-criteria analysis). This way, research fellows or Ph.D.researchers have early stakeholder or sponsor participation,and all parties can influence the outcome.

  • Focus Groups

    Eduwizard allows one to conduct research with small or large groups on specific (sensitive) topics. It captures the participant's input, displays differences in opinions or viewpoints, and allows for prioritizing certain follow-up actions. This helps to research specific interest groups and collect many ideas/expert views. Eduwizard is very easy to use for both the facilitator and the participants.

Start your free trial now.

Are you eager to find out what Meetingwizard can offer for your organisation? Experience the benefits and usability for yourself. We offer a free trial of Meetingwizard during the first 30 days.